How to Create a Free Blog and Earn?

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Every youngster asks me only one question regarding blogging “how to start a free blog?

I suggest they shouldn’t rush to create a blog when they don’t have enough knowledge of maintaining a blog.

So the real question should be “how to maintain a blog or grow it” so eventually you can get some monetary or personal benefits.

However, I am answering the questions:

Here’s how to start a free blog in 5 minutes:

1. Open your web browser
2. Go to
3. Signup using your Gmail account
4. Create your first blog by giving a name and choosing a URL
5. Hit the create button and that’s it

It’s only about using a platform that is providing free blog creation service, you can pick any of these best free blogging platforms:


And there are many other platforms but I suggest you go with Google’s Blogger platform which is easy and beginner friendly.

It takes not more than 5 minutes to create a blog since it is the same as you create a Facebook or WhatsApp account.

Now coming to the real question.

How to maintain a blog?

First, you should enhance your newly created blog by doing these recommended things:

1. Change your blog’s theme
2. Add a header menu
3. Create a simple logo and favicon
4. Verify your blog in Search Console and Analytics
5. Submit a sitemap
6. Pick a niche (that you should do before creating a blog)
7. Do a little keyword research on your niche
8. Create a list of blog post topics
9. Create a list of your competitors

The basics are clear now.

Now you have to start writing a few articles on your blog (at least 20 articles having a minimum of 400 words each)

Here’s what your article should include:

1. A proper and to the point blog post title under 65 characters
2. Introductory paragraphs, main content and conclusion
3. Must have one featured image (relevant to the article title)
4. Pick accurate labels/categories add SEO description
5. Make sure the permalink setting includes your main keyword
6. Give links to the sources and add internel links
7. Make sure you don’t copy anything from any article on any other website
8. Use free stock photos
9. Always have the reader in your mind and use a friendly tone while writing your blog posts

If this is done, keep on updating these articles with updated information.

After you are done with 20 articles, share them on your social media profiles, forums, and wherever you can share a link. Go do it.

Now, after at least a month or two, go to Google Search Console and find the keyword for which your blog is trying to rank higher in serp.

That’s when the actual blogging game is going to start, now you should pick those relevant keywords and update your existing articles by adding more information and those keywords to their relative blog posts.

If you can’t find a relevant blog post for some keywords that are shown in Search Console, you should create new content on those topics.

Now you can go for off-page SEO to build some backlinks, but, you can always use commenting, web 2.0 and forums for initial backlinking.

After 3/4 months, you can pick a perfect blog post that can help you rank get some traffic (it is about the keywords in that post and their search volume) you should then start guest posting for acquiring backlinks for that page.

3/4 quality backlinks will be enough to rank a not so competitive keyword on Google’s first page.

You will soon notice traffic on your Google analytics dashboard,

Its time to apply for adsense, and affiliate networks.

Go ahead and apply, you will need to create some required pages such as:

Terms and conditions
Contact us
About us

Then you can apply for ad-networks and they will definitely approve your blog.

If you follow these steps, you will see a few dollars in your adsense account after it is approved and you add the adsense code on your blog and it is showing ads.

Just don’t click on ads or don’t ask your friend to do so, you will get your website banned for adsense.

Jugaar nahi chalty. Don’t try that.

And this was a truly a newbie friendly article about starting and maintaining a free blog as a side hustle.

Stay with me for getting more #blogging tips.

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